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EmQM17 – The David Bohm Centennial Symposium


Emergent Quantum Mechanics 2017

Wow. Das wird spannend. Seit mehreren Jahren betreuen wir als Leadagentur die amerikanische Wissenschaftsstiftung Fetzer-Franklin-Fund, die weltweit visionäre Bereiche der Grundlagenforschung fördert und vernetzt. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass in Kürze das David Bohm Centennial Symposium in London startet. Im Senate House of the University of London treffen sich die Koryphäen quantenphysikalischer Forschung über grundlegende Themen unsere Welt.

Wir freuen uns sehr auf die Veranstaltung. Wer uns dort treffen will und/oder Interesse an Quantenontologie hat, der findet weitere Infos unter: www.emqm17.org. Zur Einstimmung empfehlen wir the-big-bang-theory.com 😉


Für Interessierte:  Der Ankündigungstext zur Veranstaltung im Original:

EmQM17 David Bohm Centennial Symposium

On the occasion of David Bohm’s 100th birthday, a symposium on emergent quantum mechanics will be held at the University of London, Senate House, on October 26 – 28, 2017. This special issue features expert views that critically evaluate the prospects and significance – for 21st century physics – of ontological quantum mechanics, an approach which David Bohm helped pioneer. In original de Broglie-Bohm theory, the mathematical formalism refers to hypothetical ontic elements (e.g., John Bell’s “beables”) such as the quantum potential. In the 21st century, realist quantum approaches often distinguish between ψ-epistemic and ψ-ontic ontological quantum theories. Unlike ψ-ontic theories, the ψ-epistemic theories do not view the wave function ψ as a state of reality. Nevertheless, both types of approaches posit – again – the possibility of an ontological foundation for quantum mechanics.

Emergent Quantum Mechanics

Emergent quantum mechanics (EmQM) is a research program that explores the possibility of an ontology for quantum mechanics. The resurgence of interest in realist approaches to quantum mechanics, including deterministic and indeterministic ones, challenges the standard textbook view. For example, standard “no-go” theorems against the possibility of realist, i.e., ontologically-grounded, quantum mechanics are increasingly recognized as falling short of their stated aim. Recent work also indicates that traditional assumptions and theorems such as nonlocality, contextuality, free choice, and non-signalling, need not necessarily contradict the existence of certain quantum ontologies.


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